“The exasperation of an idea tied to emotions, can give rise to many small containers of wisdom.” MP

The result of an intuition that began to take shape after years of
study and work. Having become accustomed to seeing them piled up on the dockside, and to
associating them with the idea of ​​transporting goods: containers,
these objects that symbolise the nature of change, once
they are discarded, are recuperated and transformed into art-work, installations
and performances. A new language with strong psycho-cultural
overtones, an interpretation of reality that
references the archetypes that govern the imagination and
that bind the human race to its past. A kind
of "star-gate" that connects past and present,
primordial signs and symbols of contemporary civilization.
A monumental work en plein air? It's all this and
much more, this disruptive creation, a journey through
habit and exception: everyday life, when interrupted,
becomes both art and shelter, closed and open spaces, sensations
and emotions. This new concept, this blend of art and
container, leads us today to a group of places
that interact with each other and with the surrounding space, between art,
naturally, and mental well-being, a place where we may
encounter ourselves, and a sensory world, created from materials,
shapes, sounds, lights, perfumes; a new world wherein we may discover
our own wellbeing, beyond everything we have already

sezione atelierlocationluogo premutostudio creativofabbrica pensanteset cinematograficosensory citygallery studiofilosofiaapprofondimenti studio